Changing your Amazon password is an important step to help protect your account from unauthorized access. It’s essential to create a strong password that is not easily guessable by others. In this article, we’ll discuss how to change your Amazon password on both the website and application, key things to consider while changing your password, how to create a strong password, and key takeaways.

Changing Amazon Password on Website

To change your Amazon password on the website, follow these steps:

1. Go to and sign in to your account.

2. Click on the “Accounts & Lists” button located on the top right corner of the screen.

3. Under the “Login & security” section, click on the “Edit” button next to “Password.”

4. Enter your current password, followed by your new password twice in the respective fields.

5. Click “Save Changes.”

Changing Amazon Password on Application

To change your Amazon password on the application, follow these steps:

1. Open the Amazon app on your device and sign in to your account.

2. Tap on the three horizontal lines located on the top left corner of the screen.

3. Tap on “Settings” and then select “Account Settings.”

4. Tap on “Login & Security” and then tap on “Change Password.”

5. Enter your current password, followed by your new password twice in the respective fields.

6. Tap “Save Changes.”

Key Things to Consider While Changing Password on Amazon Website and Application

1. Use a unique and strong password that includes a combination of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters.

2. Avoid using personal information such as your name, birthdate, or address in your password.

3. Don’t use the same password across multiple accounts.

4. Avoid using common words, phrases, or patterns as your password.

How to Create a Strong Password

Creating a strong password can be easy with these tips:

1. Use a combination of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters.

2. Use at least eight characters, but aim for 12 or more.

3. Use a unique password for each account you have.

4. Consider using a password manager to help generate and store your passwords securely.

Choosing a Strong Password: Safeguarding Your Online Accounts

In today’s digital age, protecting your online accounts with strong passwords is essential to ensure the security of your personal information. Whether it’s your social media accounts, online shopping platforms like Amazon and eBay, or internet banking for various financial institutions, creating robust passwords is the first line of defense against unauthorized access. In this article, we’ll explore tips and best practices for choosing strong passwords that will help keep your online accounts safe from potential threats.

  1. Length and Complexity: When it comes to passwords, length and complexity matter. Aim for a minimum of 12 characters, as longer passwords are harder to crack. Include a combination of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters. Avoid using predictable patterns or sequential numbers (e.g., “123456”) that are easily guessable.
  2. Unique and Uncommon: Using the same password for multiple accounts is a major security risk. If one account gets compromised, all your other accounts become vulnerable. Create unique passwords for each platform or service you use. Avoid common phrases, personal information (like your name or birthdate), or easily guessable words. Opt for a combination of random words or use a password manager to generate and securely store unique passwords for each account.
  3. Passphrase Approach: Consider using a passphrase instead of a single-word password. Passphrases are longer phrases or sentences that are easier to remember but harder for hackers to crack. For example, “Myd0g$at3B0ne!” is a strong passphrase that combines uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters.
  4. Avoid Personal Information: Never use personal information, such as your name, username, or any easily accessible information related to you, in your passwords. Hackers can gather this information through social engineering or data breaches. Keep your passwords completely unrelated to your personal life.
  5. Regularly Change Your Passwords: To ensure maximum security, it’s crucial to change your passwords regularly. Consider updating them every 90 days or as recommended by the respective platforms. Regularly changing passwords reduces the risk of unauthorized access and protects against potential breaches.
  6. Two-Factor Authentication (2FA): Implementing two-factor authentication adds an extra layer of security to your accounts. It typically involves providing a second verification method, such as a unique code sent to your phone or generated through an authentication app, in addition to your password. Enable 2FA whenever available to enhance the security of your online accounts.
  7. Be Wary of Phishing Attempts: No matter how strong your password is, falling victim to phishing attacks can compromise your account security. Be cautious of suspicious emails, messages, or links that ask for your login credentials. Verify the authenticity of the source before entering your password anywhere.
  8. Keep Passwords Confidential: Never share your passwords with anyone, including friends, family, or even customer support representatives. Legitimate platforms will never ask you for your password via email or phone calls. Be vigilant and report any suspicious activities to the respective platform’s security team.

Key Takeaways

1. Change your Amazon password regularly to help protect your account.

2. Use a unique and strong password that is not easily guessable.

3. Don’t reuse the same password across multiple accounts.

4. Consider using a password manager to help generate and store your passwords securely.


Changing your Amazon password is an essential step to help protect your account from unauthorized access. By following the steps outlined in this article and creating a unique and strong password, you can help safeguard your account and personal information. Remember to change your password regularly and avoid reusing the same password across multiple accounts.

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